Darts League Rules
- Cancellations automatically deemed a 9-0 win for opponent. Cancellation will only be accepted in extreme circumstances.
- Games to start 10:00pm sharp.
- If a team is going to be late, the captain is to contact the opposition captain to request a delay. If not agreed, the captain at the venue is to contact a committee member If still not agreed, the team at the venue will be awarded the first singles match at 10:00pm. Every 10 minutes another match will be forfeited (Singles 2-0, Doubles 1-0).
- Games are to start if players are present. The game order can be changed for missing players. e.g If a player from 1st game is missing, move onto game 2 and so forth.
- While Newmarket darts league is in progress, players cannot play in any other league. Any player found to be in breach will be banned for the remainder of the season and any fixtures they have played in will be retrospectively forfeited as a 9-0 win for opponent. It is the team captain’s responsibility to ensure his players are eligible.
- Format of games is: 501 double out, 3 singles best of three, 2 doubles best of three, break, 3 singles best of three, 1 double best of three, with the away team having the darts in the first singles. Players cannot be repeated in the singles. Players cannot be repeated in the doubles.
- No additions or changes can be made to team list after 22nd of September.
- All game sheets are to be filled up properly on the night including any 100+ finish or 180’s. Both sheets are to be handed in behind the bar or to committee member on the night.
- Fees: Pub Team= 100 euro. Business Team= 80 euro. To be collected on the 1st night of the league and no later.
- Two points for a win and one point for a team which loses 5-4.
- Home teams are expected to give the away team a chance to practice on the board before the game, out of common courtesy.
- Same rules will also apply for the Diarmuid O’Brien memorial trophy cup competition.
- A team can replace one player for the remainder of a season, due to the unavailability of that player, as a result of unforeseen circumstances.
- If the player to be replaced has played at least one game (singles / doubles), the player must contact the committee & agree with the change.
- The replaced player cannot play again in that season for any team.
- Once nominated, the new player becomes final and cannot be changed.
- The new player cannot have been in another team in the same season.
- The new player must participate in at least three league match nights to be eligible for the knockout stages of the league (Playing at least a single or a double game is considered participation, being present does not.).
- If a team did not have the full eight members by the first game of the season, any new player after that date counts as the replacement.